The one thing that almost stopped me from becoming an artist and why nothing should stop you from ge
A previous post I wrote about people labeling themselves as non artists made me want to share something about my own story that is...

How to flex your creativity muscles and start making more art!
I was out and about in the world the other day, when a lightning bolt of inspiration hit me. I felt weak at the knees, giddy with...

Why boredom is the new busy!
These days because of constant technological saturation we rarely get the chance to feel boredom. The first thing we do when we feel a...

What happens when you mix mindfulness with material practice
The Imagination Project recently had the opportunity to work with local Mindfulness training program Mindful Changes. The goal was to...

5 ways to raise creative kids when you don't think you're creative
Anytime I tell people what I do they there are usually two kind of responses. One response is usually the kind that comes from a fellow...

The secret to endless magic
As I was growing up anytime my siblings and I ever said "I'm bored" the expected response was "Only boring people get bored." This became...

Why it's important to believe in Magic
What does art have to do with magic you might ask? To me, art has everything to do with magic, and in some ways it IS magic. First, let's...